About Me

My photo
My name is Lorie Dominguez. I am happily married with 6 kids. I've lived my whole life here in the Mesquite area. I now live on our little ranch here in Scenic, Arizona with my family and all of our animals. It was here in Scenic that I found my new craft that I really enjoy, that is making crafts with recycled items. This hobby is referred to as "Trash to Treasure", these items are down the right hand column of my blog. I love what I do, and I hope you will also enjoy it! My Items make great gifts! So buy it and try it. You can see pretty much all that I make down the right hand side of my blog. If anyone is interested in placing an order with me, I take checks, cashier check, and money orders. You can place your order in a comment, or email me at Loriejuan@hotmail.com. Thank-you

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A few new things......

I am just updating my photos. This is my $6.00 bag
This is my $15.00 bag. Great for School and to use as a purse.

Here is a family picture of my bags.

Earrings, Earrings, everywhere!!
These new earrings are lots of fun. I make them out of Bottlecaps, and aluminum tabs. Both are very lightweight and easy to wear.

The earring sell for $5.00 a pair. I can customize them to any character you would like.

This is an updated picture of my $3.00 bags. Very cute for any occasion.

These are my liscense plate boxes. Fun for pretty much anything, man caves, boys to put their toy cars in. Anything!! They sell for $8.00.

1 comment:

  1. I would love one of these with a WA plate...is that possible? I commented on your FB wall too, but wasn't sure what was best. Thanks.

    mattles22 at yahoo dot com
